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  1. Akbari G, Nikkhoo M, Wang L, Chen CPC, Han DS, Lin YH, Chen HB, Cheng CH* (2021) Frailty Level Classification of the Community Elderly Using Microsoft Kinect-Based Skeleton Pose: A Machine Learning Approach. Sensors, 21(12), 4017 (SCI) doi: 10.3390/s21124017                         

  2. Nikkhoo M, Lu ML, Chen WC, Fu CJ, Niu CC, Lin YH, Cheng CH* (2021) Biomechanical Investigation Between Rigid and Semirigid Posterolateral Fixation During Daily Activities: Geometrically Parametric Poroelastic Finite Element Analyses. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, (SCI) doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2021.646079                                                                                                                                                                                    

  3. Chen CPC*, Hsu CC, Cheng CH, Huang SC, Chen JL, Lin SY, (2021) The Lateral Decubitus Body Position Might Improve the Safety of Ultrasound-Guided Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Nerve Block. Journal of Pain Research, 2021:14 75–82                                                                 

  4. Nikkhoo M, Cheng CH, Wang JL, Niu CC, Nikkhoo P, Khalaf K* (2020) The Biomechanical Response of the Lower Cervical Spine Post Laminectomy: Geometrically‑Parametric Patient‑Specific Finite Element Analyses. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, (SCI) in press doi: 10.1007/s40846-020-00579-8

  5. Nikkhoo M, Niu CC, Fu CJ, Lu ML, Chen WC, Cheng CH* (2020) Reliability and Validity of a Mobile Device for Assessing Head Control Ability. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, (SCI) in press doi: 10.1007/s40846-020-00577-w

  6. Chen JL, Chen CH, Cheng CH, Chen CC, Lin KY, Chen CPC* (2020) Can the addition of ultrasound-guided genicular nerve block using 5% dextrose water augment the effect of autologous platelet rich plasma in treating elderly patients with knee osteoarthritis? Biomedical Journal, (SCI) in press, doi: 10.1016/

  7. Fu CJ, Chen WC, Lu ML, Cheng CH, Niu CC* (2020) Comparison of paraspinal muscle degeneration and decompression effect between conventional open and minimal invasive approaches for posterior lumbar spine surgery. Scientific Reports, 10:14635. (SCI) doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-71515-8

  8. Cheng CH, Lai DM, Lau PY, Wang SF, Chien A, Wang JL, Hsu WL (2020) Upright Balance Control in Individuals with Cervical Myelopathy Following Cervical Decompression Surgery: A Prospective Cohort Study. Scientific Reports, 10(1):10357. (SCI) doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-66057-y.

  9. Lin CC, Hua SH, Lin CL, Cheng CH, Liao JC, Lin CF (2020) Impact of Prolonged Tablet Computer Usage with Head Forward and Neck Flexion Posture on Pain Intensity, Cervical Joint Position Sense and Balance Control in Mechanical Neck Pain Subjects. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, (SCI) doi: 10.1007/s40846-020-00525-8

  10. Nikkhoo M, Khoz Z, Cheng CH, Niu CC, El-Rich M, Khalaf K (2020) Development of a Novel Geometrically-Parametric Patient-Specific Finite Element Model to Investigate the Effects of the Lumbar Lordosis Angle on Fusion Surgery. Journal of Biomechanics, 2:109722. (SCI) doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2020.109722.

  11. Cheng YS, Chien A, Lai DM, Lee YY, Cheng CH, Wang SF, Chang YJ, Wang JL, Hsu WL (2020) Perturbation-Based Balance Training in Postoperative Individuals with Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 8(108). (SCI)

  12. Hsu WL, Chen CP, Nikkhoo M, Lin CF, Ching CT, Niu CC, Cheng CH* (2019) Fatigue changes neck muscle control and deteriorates postural stability during arm movement perturbations in patients with chronic neck pain. Spine Journal, S1529-9430(19)31062-9. (SCI) doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2019.10.016.

  13. Lin IS, Lai DM, Ding JJ, Chien A, Cheng CH, Wang SF, Wang JL, Kuo CL, Hsu WL (2019) Reweighting of the sensory inputs for postural control in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy after surgery. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 25;16(1):96. (SCI) doi: 10.1186/s12984- 019-0564-2.

  14. Chen HB, Chang LW, Cheng CH* (2019) Aging effects on the mechanical energy transfer through the lower extremity joints during the swing phase of level walking. Scientific Reports, 2;9(1):9555. (SCI) doi: 10.1038/s41598-019- 45267-z.

  15. Nikkhoo M, Cheng CH, Wang JL, Khoz Z, El-Rich M, Hebela N, Khalaf K (2019) Development and Validation of A Geometrically Personalized Finite Element Model of the Lower Ligamentous Cervical Spine for Clinical Applications. Computer in Biology and Medicine, 109: 22-32. (SCI)

  16. Liu WY, Lien HY, Li YC, Chen CN, Chen CY, Chen YC, Cheng CH, Lin YH* (2019) Core Values of Physical Therapy Professionalism: The Viewpoints of Clinical Physical Therapists in Taiwan. Formosan Journal of Physical Therapy, 44(1): 1-8

  17. Lin YC, Niu CC, Nikkhoo M, Lu ML, Chen WC, Fu CJ, Cheng CH* (2018) Postural stability and trunk muscle response to dynamic and static balance tasks in people with and without degenerative lumbar disease. Gait & Posture, 64: 159-64 (SCI)

  18. Khoz Z, Nikkhoo M, Cheng CH (2018) “Parametric Patient-Specific Finite Element Modeling of Lumbar Spine Based on Anatomical Parameters”, (In Farsi). Iranian Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, 16:195-203

  19. Ju YY, Liu YH, Cheng CH, Lee YL, Chang ST, Sun CC, Cheng HYK* (2018) Effects of combat training on visuomotor performance in children aged 9 to 12 years - an eye-tracking study. BMC Pediatrics, 18(39):1-9 (SCI)

  20. HsiehTH, Peng CW, Chen KY, Huang YZ, Lin YH, Zong WZ, Liang JI, Zhao J, Cheng CY, Chang YJ, Cheng CH, Chuang YF*, (2018) The Applications of Smart Mobile Device for Detecting Balance Dysfunction in Individuals with Down Syndrome. Biomedical Engineering-Applications Basis Communications, 30(1):1850007(1-9).

  21. Chen CPC, Cheng CH, Hsiu CC, Lin HC, Tsai YR, Chen JL, (2017) The Influence of Platelet Rich Plasma on Synovial Fluid Volumes, Protein Concentrations, and Severity of Pain in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis. Experimental Gerontology, 93: 68-72 (SCI)

  22. Ng HH, Lin WY, Lei KF, Cheng CH, Jeng SC, Lin YH, (2017) Reliability of mechanomyographic amplitude measurements for trunk muscles during maximal voluntary isometric contraction. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 30: 979–985 (SCI)

  23. Ching CTS*, Liao SY, Cheng TY, Cheng CH, Sun TP, Yao YD, Hsiao CS, Chang MK, (2017) A mechanical sensor designed for dynamic joint angles measurement. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Article ID 8465212, 12 pages (SCI)

  24. Cheng HYK, Chen LY, Cheng CH, Ju YY, Chen CL, Tseng K, (2016) A Multimedia Child Developmental Screening Checklist: Design and Validation. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 18(10):e277 DOI: 10.2196/jmir.6249 (SCI)

  25. Cheng CH, Chien A, Hsu WL, Chen CPC, Cheng HYK (2016) Investigation of the differential contributions of superficial and deep muscles on cervical spinal loads with changing head postures. PLOS ONE, 11(3) DOI: 10.1371/journal. pone.0150608 (SCI)

  26. Lin YC, Tsai LC, Cheng HYK, Lin YH, Cheng CH* (2016) Postural steadiness after prolonged standing on different sloped surface in young healthy adults. Biomedical Engineering-Applications Basis Communications, 28(1): 1650007(1-7).

  27. Chien A, Lai DM, Wang SF, Hsu WL, Cheng CH, Wang JL* (2016) Comparison of cervical kinematics, pain and functional disability between single- and twolevel Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 41(15):E915-22 (SCI)

  28. Cheng CH, Chien A, Hsu WL, Lai DM, Wang SF, Wang JL* (2016) Identification of head control deficits following anterior cervical discectomy and fusion in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy. European Spine Journal, 25(6):1855-60 (SCI)

  29. Cheng CH*, Chen RW, Tsai LC, Chang YJ, Tang WT, Liu WY (2016) Comparisons of fatigue effect due to competitive tennis match or simulated tennis stroke on exercise physiology and performance of tennis players: a literature review. Physical Education Journal, 49(3):253-262 (TSSCI)

  30. Cheng CH, Tsai LC, Chung HC, Hsu WL, Wang SF, Wang JL, Lai DM, Chien A* (2015) Exercise training for non-operative and post-operative patient with cervical radiculopathy: a literature review. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 27: 3011-8 (SCI)

  31. Yang WC, Cheng CH, Wang HK, Lin KH, Hsu WL* (2015) Multi-muscle coordination during a challenging stance. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 115(9):1959-66 (SCI) (Co-first author)

  32. Chien A, Lai DM, Cheng CH, Wang SF, Hsu WL, Wang JL* (2015) Responsiveness of the Chinese versions of the Japanese orthopaedic association cervical myelopathy evaluation questionnaire and neck disability index in postoperative patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 40(17), 1315-21 (SCI)

  33. Wang SF*, Li PJ, Hsieh NY, Cheng CH, Hsu WL, Lai DM, Wang JL (2015) Motor control exercise prevent decrease of multifidus thickness in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy undergone anterior cervical discectomy and fusion. Physiotherapy, 101: e867 - e868 (SCI)

  34. Cheng CH, Chen RW, Chen LY, Liu XT, Yin YT, Chen YK, Lo YC, Sha IH, Wen YL, Cheng HYK* (2015) Biomechanical analysis into the differences between the skilled and non-skilled badminton players performing the overhead stroke. Physiotherapy, 101: e233 (SCI)

  35. Chien A, Lai DM*, Wang SF, Cheng CH, Hsu WL, Wang JL* (2015) Differential segmental motion contribution of single- and two-level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion. European Spine Journal, 24(12):2857-65 (SCI)

  36. Cheng CH, Chien A, Hsu WL, Yen LW, Lin YH, Cheng HYK* (2015) Changes of postural control and muscle activation pattern in response to external perturbations after neck flexor fatigue in young subjects with and without chronic neck pain. Gait & Posture, 41(3):801-7 (SCI)

  37. Cheng HYK, Ju YY, Chen CL, Chuang LL, Cheng CH* (2015) Effects of whole body vibration on spasticity and lower extremity function in children with cerebral palsy. Human Movement Science, 39: 65-72 (SCI)

  38. Cheng CH, Su HT, Yen LW, Liu WY, Cheng HYK* (2015) Long-term effects of therapeutic exercise on nonspecific chronic neck pain: a literature review. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 27: 1271-1276 (SCI)

  39. Chen CY, Chang CW, Lee ST, Chen YC, Cheng CH, Lin YH* (2015) Is rehabilitation intervention during hospitalization enough for functional improvements in patients undergoing lumbar decompression surgery: a prospective randomized controlled study? Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 129(Supplement 1): S41–S46 (SCI)

  40. Huang WP, Wang CC, Hung JH, Chien KC, Liu WY, Cheng CH, Ng HH, Lin YH* (2015) Joystick-controlled video console game practices for power wheelchairs indoor driving skills. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 27(2): 495-498 (SCI)

  41. Cheng CH, Ju YY, Chang HW, Chen CL, Pei YC, Tseng KC, Cheng HYK* (2014) Motor impairments screened by the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 are related to the visual-perceptual deficits in children with developmental coordination disorder. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(9): 2172-2179 (SSCI)

  42. Chien A, Lai DM, Cheng CH, Wang SF, Hsu WL, Wang JL* (2014) Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and validation of a Chinese version of the Japanese orthopaedic association cervical myelopathy evaluation questionnaire (JOACMEQ). Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 39(12): 963-970 (SCI)

  43. Cheng CH, Cheng HYK, Chen CPC, Lin KH, Liu WY, Wang SF, Hsu WL*, Chuang YF (2014) Altered co-contraction of cervical muscles in young adults with chronic neck pain during voluntary neck motions. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 26(4): 587-590 (SCI)

  44. Hsu WL*, Lin KH, Yang RS, Cheng CH (2014) Use of motor abundance in old adults in the regulation of a narrow-based stance. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 114(2): 261-71 (SCI)

  45. Cheng CH*, Su HT, Liu WY, Wang SF, Hsu WL, Chuan YF (2013) Exercise Training for non-operative and post-operative patient with cervical spondylotic myelopathy: systematic review. Formosan Journal of Physical Therapy, 38(4): 279-85.

  46. Cheng HYK*, Lien YJ, Yu YC, Ju YY, Pei YC, Cheng CH, Wu DBC (2013) The effect of lower body stabilization and different writing tools on writing biomechanics in children with cerebral palsy. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(4): 1152-9 (SSCI)

  47. Ju YY, Lin JK, Cheng HYK*, Cheng CH, Wong AMK (2013) Rapid repetitive passive movement promotes knee proprioception in the elderly. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 10(2): 133-9 (SCI)

  48. Chu YH, Cheng CH, Tang PH*, Lin KH (2012) Effects of age and step direction on behavioral performances and center-of-pressure characteristics of volitional stepping in older and young adults, Biomedical Engineering-Applications Basis Communications, 24(3): 207-16

  49. Chen HM, Lee CS, Cheng CH* (2012) The weight of computer mouse affects the wrist motion and forearm muscle activity during fast operation speed task, European Journal of Applied Physiology, 112(6): 2205–12 (SCI)

  50. Liu WY, Chen FJ, Kuo CH, Lin YH*, Cheng CH, Chen TS, Yu YJ (2011) Preliminary comparisons of postural alignments of children with cerebral palsy using joystick and bimanual gliding access devices to drive the power wheelchair. Formosan Journal of Physical Therapy, 36(3): 216-24

  51. Cheng CH, Chen PJ, Kuo YW, Wang JL* (2011) Effects of disc degeneration and muscle dysfunction on the cervical spine stability from a biomechanical study, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Journal of engineering in medicine, 225(2): 149-57 (SCI)

  52. Liu WY, Liao CF, Lien HY, Cheng CH, Wong AMK, Lin YH* (2010) Using the international classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF) framework to determine the effectiveness of interactive computer play for children with cerebral palsy: systematic review. Formosan Journal of Physical Therapy, 35(3): 251-62

  53. Cheng CH, Wang JL, Lin JJ, Wang SF, Lin KH* (2010) Position accuracy and electromyographic responses during head reposition in young adults with chronic neck pain, Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology, 20(5): 1014-20 (SCI)

  54. Cheng CH, Chang LW, Lin KH* (2010) Determination of Foot-Plate Spacing for Swivel Walkers by an Optimization Method, Biomedical EngineeringApplications Basis Communications, 22(3): 213-21

  55. Chu YH, Tang PF*, Chen HY, Cheng CH (2009) Altered muscle activation characteristics associated with single volitional forward stepping in middle-aged adults, Clinical Biomechanics, 24(9): 735-43 (SCI)

  56. Wang JL*, Wu TK, Lin TC, Cheng CH, Huang SC (2008) Rest cannot always recover the dynamic properties of fatigue-loaded intervertebral disc, Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 33(17): 1863-9 (SCI)

  57. Cheng CH, Lin KH, Wang JL* (2008) Co-contraction of cervical muscles during sagittal and coronal neck motions at different movement speeds, European journal of applied physiology 103(6): 647-54 (SCI)

  58. Cheng CH, Chen PJ, Kuo YW, Wang JL* (2008) The compensation mechanism of cervical muscle dysfunction on spinal stability - An in vitro study using porcine model, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 31(4): 605-13 (SCI)

  59. Cheng CH, Chen TY, Kuo YW, Wang JL* (2008) The mechanics of cervical muscle recruitment on cervical spine stability - A biomechanical in vitro study using porcine model, Journal of Mechanics 24: 63-8 (SCI)

  60. Cheng CH, Chen TY, Kuo YW, Wang JL* (2007) The comparison of neutral zone, range of motion and resultant force and moment among different cervical muscle dysfunctions, Journal of Biomechanics, 40: S696 (SCI)

  61. Cheng CH, Lin KH, Lin JJ, Wang JL* (2007) Effect of movement speed on cervical muscle activation pattern in healthy adults: voluntary response index analysis, Journal of Biomechanics, 40: S413 (SCI)

  62. Cheng CH, Lin KH, Lin JJ, Wang JL* (2007) Cervical electromyographic activities during neck movements at different speeds in healthy subjects: voluntary response index analysis, Biomedical Engineering-Applications Basis Communications, 19(6): 349-57 Conference Papers 1. Kuo TA, Niek YY, Wu PF, Cheng CH*. Biomechanical analysis of physiological requirement and benefits of the Asian squat. 10


  1. Wang KL, Liu TH, Hsieh CH, Chun LL, Cheng CH*. Effects of Stretch Exercise and Vibration Massage on the Muscle Properties and Movement Performance of the Triceps Brachii. The 11th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics (AP Biomech), 2021.                                                           

  2. Ku LW, Tsai YL, Lin PC, Cheng CH*. Application of Mixed Reality Smart Functional Assessment System on the screening of Elderly with Sarcopenia. The 3rd International Symposium on Engineering and Technology (ISET), 2021.                                                                                        

  3. 王凱玲、劉慈馨、謝承軒、林良駿、蔡昀霖、鄭智修*。比較靜態和動態伸展運動與局部震動刺激對於肱三頭肌的影響。臺灣生物力學學會年度學術研討會, 2021。(Oral Presentation)                                                                                                                                                                                             

  4. Lin PC, Cheng CH*. Kinematic and Kinetic Difference between the Healthy Young and Elderly at Similar Gait Speed during Level Walking. Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomedical Engineering (TSBME), 2021.                                                                                                           

  5. Tsai YC, Ho CT, Tang WL, Cheng CH, Liu WU. Development and implementation of a Virtual Pre-Physical Therapy Camp. 永慶先生國際醫學教育研討會, 2020.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

  6. Ku LW, Cheng CH*. Validity of the mixed-reality functional assessment system to evaluate the physical performance in elderly. The 4th Global Conference on Biomedical Engineering (GCBME), 2020.                                                                                                                                                           

  7. Tsai YL, Lee CH, Lin PC, Ku LW, Cheng CH*. Application of the Kinect system for the functional assessment in elderly with and without Sarcopenia. International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology (i-CREATe), 2020. (Oral Presentation)

  8. Lin PC, Lee YC, Ku LW, Cheng CH*. Effects of movement velocity and foot placement width on the postural control during the sit-to-stand task. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, 2020 (Oral Presentation Award)

  9. Huang IT, Ho CT, Chen CC, Yu ZY, Chang YJ, Hsieh TH, Lien HY, Cheng CH*. The Immediate Effects of Dynamic and Static Stretch on the Muscle Properties and Physical Performance of the Gastrocnemius. International Symposium on 3-D Analysis of Human Movement (3D-AHM), 2020.

  10. Nikkhoo M, Khoz Z, Lu ML, Fu CJ, Chen WC, Cheng CH, Niu CC*, Lin PC. Changes on the Adjacent Level Biomechanics after Posterior Lumbar Fusion Surgery – 3 and 12 Month Postoperative Evaluation using Parametric Personalized Finite Element Analyses. Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), 2020.

  11. Nikkhoo M, Khoz Z, Niu CC, Fu CJ, Lu ML, Chen WC, Cheng CH*, Ku LW. Biomechanical Investigation between Semi-Rigid and Rigid Lumbar Fixation during Daily Activities – Poroelastic Finite Element Analyses. Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), 2020.

  12. Kuo TA, Niek YY, Wu PF, Cheng CH*. Biomechanical analysis of physiological requirement and benefits of the Asian squat. 10th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics (AP Biomech), 2019.

  13. Khalaf K, Nikkhoo M, Khoz Z, Niu CC, Cheng CH. Postoperative Effect of Lumbar Fusion Surgery on Adjacent Segment Biomechanics- Personalized Parametric Finite Element Analyses. International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (CMBBE), 2019.

  14. Liu XT, Cheng CH*, Cheng HYK. Development of an integrated portable system for the clinical evaluation of the head and trunk control. International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (ICBHI), 2019.

  15. Huang HW, Kuo TW, Lee CL, Lin YT, Ju YY, Cheng CH*. Effects of Muscle Fatigue on the Kinect Control of Free Throw in the Wheelchair Basketball Sport. International Conference on Biomechanics and Medical Engineering (ICBME), 2019.

  16. Liu XT, Wu PF, Cheng CH*. Development of a Kinect-based health assessment system for the elderly. International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology (i-CREATe), 2019.

  17. Liu CH, Wu PF, Cheng CH*. The efficacy of the portable neck training system for patients with chronic neck pain. World Congress on Bioengineering (WACBE), 2019.

  18. Shih MC, Liu XT, Cheng CH, Chen CJ. The feasibility of motion-sensing technology for assessment of functional performance of elderly. Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research (ACRM), 2019.

  19. Khalaf K, Kinda K, Nikkhoo M, Khoz Z, Wang JL, El-Rich M, Cheng CH. Biomechanical Response of the Cervical Spine after Laminectomy - Parametric Finite Element Analysis. Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (EORS), 2019.

  20. Nikkhoo M, Khoz Z, Niu CC, Cheng CH*. Different Degrees of Disc Degeneration Alter the Multidirectional Motions and Load-Sharing of the Lumbar Spine – Parametric Subject-Specific Finite Element Simulations. Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), 2019.

  21. Fu CJ, Lu ML, Cheng CH, Chen WC, Niu CC*. MRI Evaluation of Postoperative Fatty Infiltration in Paraspinal Muscle and Dural Sac Cross-Sectional Area after Posterior Lumbar Surgery: Comparison Between Conventional Open and Minimal Invasive Approaches. Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), 2019.

  22. Lu ML, Cheng CH, Chen WC, Fu CJ, Niu CC*. Comparisons of Lumbar Muscle Performance between the Minimally Invasive and Open Lumbar Fusion Surgery after One Year Follow-up. Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS), 2019.

  23. Cheng CH*, Lin CF, Cheng HYK. Comparisons of Different Resistance Training Effects on the Muscle Property of Triceps Brachii in Male and Female Young Subjects. World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT), 2019.

  24. Liu XT, Lin CF, Cheng CH*. Comparison between the Force Plate and Nintendo Wii Balance Board for the Assessment of Lower Extremity Function. International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology (ICMMB), 2018.

  25. Liu CH, Hsu WL, Cheng CH*. Comparisons of the Muscle Contractile Properties and Jumping Performance after the Static and Dynamic Stretching Exercise. 11th Pan-Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation, 2018.

  26. Cheng CH, Lin CF, Tang WT. Differences in Performance of Athletic Vision and Postural Control between Skilled and Non-Skilled Badminton Players. World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB), 2018.

  27. Lee YH, Niu CC, Chen WC, Cheng CH*. The Adaptive Changes in Sit to Sit Movement Following Lumbar Spinal Fusion. World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB), 2018.

  28. Nikkhoo M, Khoz Z, Ghobadiha E, Niu CC, Cheng CH, Khalaf K. Development of a Parametric Subject-Specific Finite Element Model to Investigate the Lumbar Spine Response before and after 1-Level Posterior Fusion. World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB), 2018.

  29. Lin IS, Cheng CH, Wang SF, Chien A, Lai DM, Wang JL, Hsu WL*. Effect of Cervical Spinal Decompression Surgery on Postural Stability Control during Quiet Standing in Patients with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy. World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB), 2018.

  30. Cheng YS, Wang SF, Lai DM, Wang JL, Cheng CH, Chien A, Hsu WL*. Effects of Perturbation Balance Training using a Custom-Made Treadmill on Gait and Functional Performance for Patients with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy after Decompression Surgery. World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB), 2018.

  31. Khalaf K, Nikkhoo M, El-Rich M, Cheng CH. Evaluation of Cervical Laminectomy on Intersegmental Motions Using a Validated Parametric SubjectSpecific Finite Element Model. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2018.

  32. Khoz Z, Nikkhoo M, Cheng CH, “Parametric Finite Element Modeling of Lumbar Spine” (In Farsi), 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran, May 11, 2018.

  33. Khalaf K, Nikkhoo M, El-Rich M, Cheng CH, “Evaluation of Cervical Laminectomy on Intervertebral Motions Using a Validated Parametric SubjectSpecific Finite element Model”, 15th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics (CMBBE), Lisbon, Portugal, March 26-29, 2018.

  34. Cheng CH*, Niu CC, Lu ML, Chen WC, Fu CJ, Nikkhoo M, Liu XT. One-Year Comparative Functional Outcomes of Open and Minimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion in Patients with Degenerative Lumbar Disease. Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society, 2018

  35. Liu XT, Lin CF, Cheng CH*. Comparison between the force plate and Nintendo Wii Balance Board for the assessment of lower extremity function. International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 2018

  36. Khalaf K, Nikkhoo M, El-Rich M, Cheng CH. Evaluation of cervical laminectomy on intersegmental motions using a validated parametric subjectspecific finite element model. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2018

  37. Liu CH, Cheng HYK, Cheng CH*. Test-retest reliability of the ultrasound-based and IMU-based devices in assessing the cervicocephalic kinesthetic sensibility. IEEE International Conference on System Science and Engineering, 2018

  38. 張曼瑋、謝昀芷、方威皓、江宇智、鄭智修*。比較不同的阻力訓練方式對於 肱三頭肌肌肉性質的影響。全国生物力学大会, 2018

  39. Cheng CH*, Chiang YC, Hsu WL, Chien A, Wang SF, Wang JL, Lai DM, Lee YH. Cervicocephalic Kinesthetic Sensibility in Elderly with and without Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy. World Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology, 2017

  40. Yu YS, Cheng CH*. Effect of Pillow on the Subjective Feeling and NeckShoulder Muscle Activities of the Male and Female Young Adults during SupineLying. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, 2017

  41. Cheng CH*, Niu CC, Lu ML, Chen WC, Nikkhoo M, Hwang YC. Functional Outcome Following Open Versus Minimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion in Patients with Degenerative Lumbar Disease. Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society, 2017

  42. Cheng CH*, Hsu WL, Chien A, Wang JL, Lai DM, Wang SF, Yu YS. Changes of the Head Control Ability in Patients with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy. Conference for Innovation in Biomedical Engineering and Life Sciences, 2017

  43. Nikkhoo M, Arbabzadeh F, Cheng CH, Khalaf K. Development of a Parametric Subject-Specific Finite Element Model of the Lower Cervical Spine to Evaluate the Effect of Disease on the Motion Patterns. European Orthopaedic Research Society, 2017

  44. 劉沛怡、徐瑋勵、王淑芬、鄭智修、簡溫原、賴達明、王兆麟。Effect of Perturbation Training Using Split-Belt Perturbation Treadmill on Postural Control of Patients with Cervical Decompression Surgery。2017 醫工年會學術研討會 (論文壁報獎-佳作)

  45. 黃詠絜、李睿恒、鄭勻卉、劉慶美、鄭智修*。疲勞對於羽球選手高手擊球 時上肢關節動作的影響。國際生物力學與復健工程暨輔具科技學術研討會, 2017 (Outstanding Poster Presentation Award)

  46. 陳怡璇、林亞哲、楊欣栩、王翠苹、鄭智修*。比較不同的伸展方式對股四 頭肌肌肉性質的影響。國際生物力學與復健工程暨輔具科技學術研討會, 2017

  47. Lee YH, Lin YC, Niu CC, Chen WC, Lu ML, Chiang YC, Cheng CH*. Differences of the Postural Control Ability in Elderly with and without Degenerative Lumbar Disorders. WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, 2017.

  48. Cheng CH*, Ching CTS, Yang CY. Differences of Performance Related Characteristics between the Experienced and Inexperienced Badminton Players Performing the Overhead Stroke. International Society of Biomechanics, 2017

  49. 劉沛怡、王淑芬、鄭智修、簡溫原、賴達明、王兆麟、徐瑋勵*。頸椎脊髓神 經病變患者其站立平衡控制於手術後之恢復。中華民國物理治療學會第七十 一次學術研討會,2016

  50. 李秉儒、郭乃華、徐瑋勵、簡溫原、鄭智修、黃敏瑄、王兆麟、賴達明、王淑芬*。退化性頸椎脊髓病變病人行走功能相關因素之探討。中華民國物理 治療學會第七十一次學術研討會,2016

  51. 郭乃華、李秉儒、鄭智修、賴達明、黃敏瑄、徐瑋勵、王兆麟、簡温原、王淑芬*。退化性頸椎脊髓病變病人接受單節前路頸椎減壓手術後一年之症狀 變化。中華民國物理治療學會第七十一次學術研討會,2016

  52. Cheng CH*, Yang CY, Ching CTS. Test-Retest Reliability of a Prototype Head Trainer for Patients with Parkinson’s Disease. International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology, 2016

  53. Chien A, Lai DM, Wang SF, Hsu WL, Cheng CH, Wang JL*. Comparative analysis of cervical kinematics, pain and functional disability between single- and two-level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion. XIV International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement, 2016

  54. Cheng CH*, Tsai LC. Postural control and response time during voluntary arm movements is altered after neck flexor fatigue in young subjects with chronic neck pain. XIV International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement, 2016

  55. Yang CY, Chou YH, Cheng HC, Cheng CH, Su KH. Dynamic Time Warping for IMU Based Activity Detection. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2016

  56. Cheng CH*, Chien A, Hsu WL, Wang JL, Lai DM, Wang SF. Head-Trunk Control in Patients with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy at 1 Year Following Decompressive Surgery. Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society, 2016

  57. Chien A, Lai DM, Wang SF, Hsu WL, Cheng CH, Wang JL. Comparison of Cervical Kinematics, Pain and Functional Disability between Single- And Twolevel Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion. Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society, 2016 (Oral Presentation)

  58. Cheng CH*, Chen RW, Cheng HYK, Chen LY, Wen YL, Sha IH, Lo YC, Chen YK, Liu XT, Yin YT. Athletic vision performance and reaction time in badminton players. AP Biomechanics, 2015

  59. Wang SF, Li PJ, Hsieh NY, Cheng CH, Hsu WL, Lai DM, Wang JL. Motor control exercise prevent decrease of multifidus thickness in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy undergone anterior cervical discectomy and fusion. WCPT Congress, 2015

  60. 鄭智修*、陳任偉、程欣儀等。羽球選手和一般人在執行高手擊球時的生物 力學分析。第四次 TREATS 學會暨第五次 TSICF 學會聯合學術研討會,2015

  61. 鄭智修*、陳任偉、程欣儀等。羽球選手和一般人在運動視覺表現以及反應 時間上的差異。第四次 TREATS 學會暨第五次 TSICF 學會聯合學術研討會, 2015

  62. Cheng CH*, Lin YC, Yu YC, Cheng HYK. Postural control dynamics in prolonged standing workers on sloped surface. WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, 2015

  63. 李秉儒,王淑芬,鄭智修,徐瑋勵,賴達明,王兆麟。核磁共振影像確診退 化性頸椎病變之功能性分類。中華民國物理治療學會第六十九次學術研討會, 2015

  64. Cheng CH, Chen RW, Chen LY, Liu XT, Yin YT, Chen YK, Lo YC, Sha IH, Wen YL, Cheng HYK*. Biomechanical analysis into the differences between the skilled and non-skilled badminton players performing the overhead stroke. WCPT Congress, 2015

  65. Wang YC, Yu YC, Cheng CH, Ju YY, Cheng, HYK. The development of a functional-based assistive technology indexing system. WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, 2015

  66. Chien A, Lai DM, Wang SF, Cheng CH, Hsu WL, Wang JL*. Characteristics of radiculomyelopathy patients after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion: a biopsychosocial model. WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering, 2015 (Oral Presentation)

  67. Hsu WL*, Cheng CH, Wang SF, Lai DM, Wang JL, Su HT. Upright balance stability after surgical management of cervical spondylotic myelopathy. International Scientific Meeting on Biomechanics, 2014 (Oral Presentation)

  68. Chung HC, Cheng HYK, Cheng CH*. Effect of knee brace on the loading of the lower extremity during sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit tasks. International Scientific Meeting on Biomechanics, 2014 (Oral Presentation)

  69. Chen RW, Cheng HYK, Cheng CH*. The muscle activation and postural control pattern of the skilled and non-skilled badminton players during overhead stroke. International Scientific Meeting on Biomechanics, 2014 (Oral Presentation)

  70. Cheng CH*, Su HT, Wang JL, Lai DM, Wang SF, Hsu WL, Chang YL, Chung HC. Characteristics of postural control dynamics in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy after surgery and post-surgery exercise training. Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society, 2015

  71. Hsu WL, Wang SF, Wang JL, Lai DM, Su HT, Cheng CH*. Balance control following surgical management of cervical spondylotic myelopathy. World Congress of Biomechanics, 2014

  72. Cheng CH, Ju YY, Lin YC, Cheng HYK*. Effects of sloped surfaces on the postural control in standing workers after prolong standing. World Congress of Biomechanics, 2014

  73. 簡温原, 賴達明, 鄭智修,王淑芬,徐瑋勵,王兆麟。Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and validation of a Chinese version of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association Cervical Myelopathy Evaluation Questionnaire 。中華民國骨科醫 學會 103 年度第 66 次春季聯合學術研討會。臺中:榮民總醫院。

  74. 陳立穎,鄭智修,曾俊儒,朱彥穎,程欣儀*。兒童發展檢核表多媒體系統 開發與臨床測試。第四次 TSICF 學會暨第三次 TREATS 學會聯合學術研討 暨論文發表大會,2014

  75. 王雅秋,俞雨春,鄭智修,曾俊儒,程欣儀*。依功能導向判斷輔具需求-以 行動類與擺位類輔具為例。第四次 TSICF 學會暨第三次 TREATS 學會聯合 學術研討暨論文發表大會,2014

  76. Chung HC, Chen RW, Cheng HYK, Cheng CH*. Effect of knee brace on lower extremity during sit-to-stand task. Joint Meeting of TSICF & TREATS, 2014

  77. Chen RW, Chung HC, Cheng HYK, Cheng CH*. Control pattern of upper extremity during overhead stroke. Joint Meeting of TSICF & TREATS, 2014

  78. Cheng CH, Su HT, Wang JL, Lai DM, Wang SF, Hsu WL, Chen RW. Postural control in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy after surgery and postsurgery exercise training. Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society, 2014

  79. Chien A, Wang SF, Hsiao CH, Hsieh NY, Cheng CH, Hsu WL, Lai DM & Wang JL. Evidence of cervical multifidus muscle wasting in patients undergone surgery for cervical spondylotic myelopathy. 6th World Confederation for Physical Therapy-Asia Western Pacific Region Conference, 2013

  80. Chien A, Wang SF, Hsiao CH, Hsieh NY, Cheng CH, Hsu WL, Lai DM & Wang JL. Clinical prognostic indicators of surgical outcome in cervical spondylotic myelopathy: a pilot study. 6th World Confederation for Physical Therapy-Asia Western Pacific Region Conference, 2013

  81. Cheng CH, Cheng HYK, Tsai SI, Chiang WS, Lin YC, Changes of postural control after prolonged standing on sloped surface in young healthy adults, The 6th World Congress on Bioengineering, 2013 (Oral Presentation)

  82. Yen LW, Su HT, Cheng HYK, Cheng CH*, Effect of neck flexor fatigue on standing balance following perturbations in young healthy adults, World Congress on Bioengineering, 2013 (Oral Presentation)

  83. Su HT, Yen LW, Cheng HYK, Cheng CH*, Standing balance following internal/external perturbation in young healthy adults, Asia-Western Pacific Regional Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, 2013 (Oral Presentation)

  84. Cheng HYK, Ju YY, Chen CL, Wong AMK, Cheng CH, Effects of an eight-week repetitive passive knee movement intervention on lower extremity muscle tone and function in children with cerebral palsy, Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of Korea, 2012 (Oral Presentation)

  85. Cheng CH, Lin YH, Ng HH, Cheng HYK, Chen CPC, Chang YL, Co-contraction of cervical muscles is altered in pateints with chronic neck pain during voluntary neck movements, International Symposium on Quality of Live Technology, 2012

  86. Tsai SC*, Liu WY, Wang CM, Wong AMK, Lein R, Cheng CH, Chen FJ, IntraRater Reliability of Prechtl's Method on the Qualitative Assessment of General Movements Based on the Video Recordings on Taiwanese Infants, Asia-Oceanian Conference of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2012

  87. Yen LW, Lin JL, Cheng CH*, Posture control following neck flexor muscle fatigue in young healthy adults, Asia-Oceanian Conference of Physical Rehabilitation and Medicine, 2012 (Oral Presentation)

  88. Lin JL, Yen LW, Cheng CH*, The comparison of whole-body muscle fatigue between the anaerobic and aerobic specific tests in badminton players, AsiaOceanian Conference of Physical Rehabilitation and Medicine, 2012 (Oral Presentation)

  89. Cheng CH, Wang JL, Chen CPC, Chang YL, Comparisons of the in vivo flexibility characteristics of cervical spine in young subjects with/without chronic neck pain. Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society, 2012

  90. Cheng CH, Lin YH, Ng HH, Chang YL, In vivo flexibility characteristics of cervical spine in young healthy subjects during sagittal And Coronal neck movements. International Society of Biomechanics Congress, 2011 (Oral Presentation)

  91. Cheng CH, Wang JL, Chen CPC, Chang YL, Estimation of the deep muscle activation and spinal load of human cervical spine during neck movements. Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society, 2011

  92. Cheng CH, Chu YH, Tang PF, Performance of Multi-directional Volitional Stepping in Healthy Young Adults and Elderly. World Physical Therapy, 2011

  93. Liu WY, Liao CF, Lien HY, Lin YH, Wong AMK, Cheng CH, Effect of Modified Commercially Available Visual Center of Pressure Feedback Training on Postural Adjustments in Healthy Adults, World Physical Therapy, 2011

  94. Lin JL, Cheng CH*, Chen FJ, The Test-Retest Reliability of Perceived Neck Muscle Fatigue in Different Test directions in Healthy Adults. The 62th Scientific Conference of Physical Therapy Association of the Republic of China, March, 2011 (Oral Presentation)

  95. Cai FT, Hung YC, Jhong YJ, Liao CF,Liu WY, Cheng CH, Effects of Intensive Reach Forward Practices while Standing on Reach Movement in Healthy Young Adults: A Pilot Study. International Symposium on the 3D Analysis of Human Movement, 2010

  96. Cheng CH, Chen PJ, Kuo, YW, Wang JL, Effects of Disc Degeneration and Muscle Dysfunction on the Cervical Spine Stability – From in Vitro Study using Porcine Model. Asia-Oceanian Conference of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2010 (Oral Presentation)

  97. Cheng CH, Chen HM, Lee CS, Influence of computer mouse weights and moving speeds on wrist motion and forearm/shoulder muscle activity. Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society, 2010

  98. Cheng CH, Lin KH, Lin JJ, Wang JL, Effect of Movement Speed on Cervical Muscle Activation Pattern in Healthy Adults: Voluntary Response Index Analysis. International society of Biomechanics Congress, 2007 (Oral Presentation)

  99. Cheng CH, Chen TY, Kuo YW, Wang JL, The Comparison of Neutral Zone, Range of Motion and Resultant Force and Moment among Different Cervical Muscle Dysfunctions. International society of Biomechanics Congress, 2007

  100. Cheng CH, Lin KH, Wang JL, The Effect of Head Movement Speeds on the Cervical Muscle Co-Contraction during Sagittal and Coronal Motions. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, 2006 (Oral Presentation Award)

  101. Cheng CH, Lin KH, Chang LW, Determination of Foot-Plate Spacing for Swivel Walkers by an Optimization Method. Asian Pacific of Biomechanics Conference, 2005 (Oral Presentation)

  102. Cheng CH, Chiou HC, Wang JL, The Load Transmission and Energy Absorption of Tibia during Impact Load. International Conference on Biomechanics combined with Annual Scientific Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, 2001

  103. Cheng CH, Chang LW, A System Model of FES-Assisted Swivel Gait Orthosis System for Paraplegics. Biomedical Engineering Conference, 2001

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